Please note that where full text articles are available, the link is provided. To obtain a text, please contact the permissions department of the relevant journal or periodical.

J. Lapitskaya, “ECHR, Russia, and Chechyna: two is not company and three is definitely a crowd”, New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, vol. 43, No. 2 (2010/2011) pp. 479-548.

Juliet Chevalier-Watts, “The phenomena of enforced disappearances in Turkey and Chechnya: Strasbourg’s noble cause?” Human Rights Review, vol. 11, no. 4 (2010) pp. 469-489. 

C. Tomuschat, “Human Rights and Humanitarian Law,” E.J.I.L. 2010, 21(1), 15-23.  

Juliet Chevalier-Watts, “Effective investigations under article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights: securing the right to life or an onerous burden on a state?”, E.J.I.L. 2010, 21(3), 701-721. 

Joseph Barrett, “Chechnya's last hope? Enforced disappearances and the European Court of Human Rights”, Harvard Human Rights Journal  (HVHRJ vol. 22, no. 1, 2009, 133), available at (last accessed 26 June 2009).

 Tamar Feldman, “Indirect victims, direct injury: Recognising relatives as victims under the European human rights system”, European Human Rights Law Review (E.H.R.L.R. 2009, 1, 50-69).

Matthew Smith, “The adjudicatory fact-finding tools of the European Court of Human Rights”, European Human Rights Law Review (E.H.R.L.R. 2009, 2, 206-228).

Alexei Trochev, “All Appeals Lead to Strasbourg? Unpacking the Impact of the European Court of Human Rights on Russia”, University of Wisconsin Law School, Legal Studies Research Paper Series (Paper No. 1082, 2009), available at   (last accessed 26 June 2009).

Bill Bowring. “Russia and Human Rights: incompatible opposites?,” Gottingen Journal of International Law (2009) 2, 33-54, available at

Sperotto, Federico (2008) "Law in Times of War: The Case of Chechnya," Global Jurist: Vol. 8 : Iss. 2 (Topics), Article 5. Available at:

 Solvang, Ole (2008) “Russia and the ECtHR: The Price of Non-Cooperation”, Washington College of Law's Human Rights Brief, Vol. 15; Iss. 2. Available at:

 Solvang, Ole (2008) “Chechnya and the ECtHR: The merits of strategic litigation”, Security and Human Rights, Vol. 19; Iss. 3.

 Wallace H., Donald (2008) “Recent Legal Developments: Redress Abuses in International Jurisprudence for 2007”, International Criminal Justice Review, Vol. 18; Iss. 4, p. 497 ff. Available at:

Dr. Alexander Orakhelashvili (2008) “The interaction between human rights and humanitarian law: fragmentation, conflict, parallelism, or convergence?” 19(1) European Journal of International Law (2008) 161-182.

Dr. Guglielmo Verdirame (2008) “Human Rights in Wartime: A Framework for Analysis,” published in the European Human Rights Law Review. E.H.R.L.R. 2008, 6, 689-705. Available at:

Dr. Phillip Leach (2008) “The Chechen Conflict: Analysing the Oversight of the European Court of Human Rights,” in the European Human Rights Law Review. E.H.R.L.R. 2008, 6, 732-761.

Dr. Laurence Helfer (2008) “Redesigning the European Court of Human Rights: embeddedness as a deep structural principle of the European human rights regime,” published in the European Journal of International Law. E.J.I.L. 2008, 19(1), 125-159.

Heike Krieger, "A conflict of norms: the relationship between humanitarian law and human rights law in the ICRC customary law study," J.C. & S.L. 2006, 11(2), 265-291.

William Abresch, "A human rights law of internal armed conflict: the European Court of Human Rights in Chechnya," published in the European Journal of International Law. E.J.I.L. 2005, 16(4), 741-767. Available at:

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