03 January 2005, Monday

The Russian Justice Initiative was awarded the prestigious Human Rights Prize of the French Republic 2004 for its work on behalf of victims of torture through the Chechnya Justice Project. Of 116 nominations from 43 countries, RJI was one of 5 organizations selected, and the only organization from Russia. RJI’s partner, Secours Catholique (CARITAS-France), supported RJI’s nomination. Prime Minister Raffarin hosted a ceremony in Paris for the prizewinners. For photos of the event click here. For more information see www.commission-droits-homme.fr: “Actualités: Prix des droits de l'homme de la République Française Lauréats 2004.”

Photo: French Prime Minister Raffarin presents the prize to Moscow Office Director Elena Ezhova

Photo: Executive Director Jane Buchanan and Moscow Office Director Elena Ezhova with Prime Minister Raffarin

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