(Utrecht) - The European Court of Human Rights will rule on the first case concerning torture in
The case concerns brothers Adam and Arbi Chitayev who were detained by Russian servicemen in April 2000 at their home in
The Chitayev family appealed the detention of their relatives in numerous forums for months, but failed to receive even an official notification of the brothers’ detention until late July 2000. Upon their release in early October 2000, Adam and Arbi were threatened with further harm should they or their family continue to send complaints regarding their detention or ill-treatment.
The Human Rights Centre Memorial submitted an initial application to the
SRJI submitted additional materials to the
The judgment will be the first of several concerning the use of torture in the Chernokozovo detention center. The conditions in Chernokozovo have been documented in detail by Human Rights Watch in the report “Welcome to Hell:” Arbitrary Detention, Torture, and Extortion in Chechnya. Chernokozovo was also singled out in a statement made by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) in a July 2001 statement denouncing the lack of cooperation with the CPT by the Russian government.
For more information:
In Nazran: Arsen Sakalov, +7 906 486 0753
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