20 March 2008, Thursday

Russian Justice Initiative (RJI), a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization, based in the Netherlands with offices in Moscow and Ingushetia, Russia, seeks an Executive Director to oversee its projects in Russia.

Russian Justice Initiative is a groundbreaking initiative that utilizes domestic and international legal mechanisms to seek redress for human rights abuses committed in the North Caucasus. RJI provides free legal counsel to victims of human rights violations and their families. The organization’s lawyers and researchers investigate incidents of arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial executions and bring these cases to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. RJI currently represents more than a thousand clients in 150 cases pending before the European Court.

Job description:
The position is open to qualified women and men of any nationality. The ideal candidate shall be committed to justice and respect for human rights; creative and able to lead projects with minimal guidance or supervision; a quick learner who is both detail-oriented and able to define long-term goals. Start-date for the position is 1 July 2008 or sooner. RJI will select a candidate willing to make a long-term commitment to the organization.

The Executive Director is based in Moscow and reports to the board of the RJI. S/he works with the organization’s 15 staff members based in offices in Moscow and Ingushetia and performs a wide range of functions, including project management, development, legal research/writing, public relations, and field research. The Executive Director travels to the North Caucasus several times a year.

The Executive Director is responsible for the overall management of RJI's projects and the organization's Moscow office. The responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Fundraising, financial management and grant reporting;
  • Developing legal strategy, together with the legal director;
  • Overseeing the organization’s caseload and evaluating potential new cases, together with the legal director;
  • Meeting with and briefing clients and potential clients;
  • Writing press-releases;
  • Developing and maintaining contact with journalists;
  • Ensuring security of staff and clients;
  • Managing the Moscow office and ensuring compliance with Russian legal requirements;
  • Recruiting, training, and evaluating staff members and interns;
  • Maintaining and establishing relationships with colleague NGOs and legal experts;
  • Managing the organization’s 15 staff members and interns;
  • Writing and developing materials that describe the project.

In addition, the Executive Director should expect to:

  • Find and coordinate consultants;
  • Write content for the organization’s web site (www.srji.org);
  • Travel to conferences and seminars to represent the organization; travel to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ;
  • Maintain contact with the organization’s Advisory and Recommendation committees;
  • Lead staff meetings/retreats;
  • Organize training seminars.


  • Fluency in Russian and English at professional working levels;
  • Background in international law or human rights;
  • Experience working for a non-governmental organization or in legal aid;
  • Project management experience;
  • Advanced degree;
  • Collegiality; strong interpersonal and writing skills; computer literacy.


  • Experience working in the Russian Federation or former Soviet Union;
  • Knowledge of the conflict in Chechnya;
  • Familiarity with the European Court of Human Rights; proficiency in Russian law;
  • Proven record of fundraising.

RJI offers a competitive salary and benefits package and twenty days paid vacation per year.

How to apply:

Application deadline: 25 April 2008
Interested applicants should submit to moscow@srji.org:

  • a letter of interest describing your experience (in English);
  • your resume (in English);
  • short unedited writing samples (English and Russian).

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