Russia is responsible for the disappearance of two women in Chechnya in November 2001, rules European Court

The European Court of Human Rights has found Russia responsible for the enforced disappearance of two Chechen women in 2001, Russian Justice Initiative reported today. The European Court of Human Rights has found Russia responsible for the enforced disappearance of two Chechen women in 2001, Russian Justice Initiative reported today. The applicants in Kadirova and others v Russia (no. 5432/07) are the close relatives of Aset Yakhyayeva and Milana Betilgiriyeva, who disappeared after being detained...
Modified: 27/03/2012
Path: News

European Court of Human Rights Condemns Russia in Two Cases from Chechnya

The European Court of Human Rights today unanimously condemned Russia for human rights violations in two cases from Chechnya, Russian Justice Initiative said today. The European Court of Human Rights today unanimously condemned Russia for human rights violations in two cases from Chechnya, Russian Justice Initiative said today. Khasuyeva v. Russia (28159/03) concerns the disappearance of Abu Khasuyev. On 30 August 2001 Abu was taken away in broad daylight from his home in Urus-Martan by a group...
Modified: 11/06/2009
Path: News

European Court of Human Rights Faults Russia in Four Disappearance Cases from Chechnya

The European Court of Human Rights today unanimously condemned Russia for the enforced disappearance of six men in different locations across Chechnya between February 2001 and April 2003, Russian Justice Initiative said today. The European Court of Human Rights today unanimously condemned Russia for the enforced disappearance of six men in different locations across Chechnya between February 2001 and April 2003, Russian Justice Initiative said today. Gaziyeva and Others v. Russia (15439/05)...
Modified: 09/04/2009
Path: News

European Court of Human Rights Condemns Russia in Three Cases from Chechnya

The European Court of Human Rights today unanimously condemned Russia for the enforced disappearance of five men in different locations in Chechnya between January 2000 and January 2003, Russian Justice Initiative said today. The European Court of Human Rights today unanimously condemned Russia for the enforced disappearance of five men in different locations in Chechnya between January 2000 and January 2003, Russian Justice Initiative said today. Bantayeva and Others v. Russia (20727/04) concerns...
Modified: 12/02/2009
Path: News

European Court of Human Rights Condemns Russia in Chechen Disappearance and Murder Case

... Judgment HRW: Last Seen...: Continued "Disappearances" in Chechnya Memorial: A Second Civilian Burial Site Discovered Near the Military Base at Khankala Memorial: "Disappeared" Found in Unmarked Graves SRJI: Cases from the North Caucasus pending before the European Court of Human Rights
Modified: 10/05/2007
Path: News
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