Khashiyev and Akayeva group
... 13737/03 NENKAYEV AND OTHERS 28/05/2009 06/11/2009 15440/05 PUKHIKOVA 02/04/2009 06/11/2009 38003/03 RASAYEV AND CHANKAYEVA 02/10/2008 06/04/2009 12457/05 REZVANOV AND REZVANOVA 24/09/2009 01/03/2010 38570/05 SADULAYEVA 08/04/2010 04/10/2010 41840/02 SADYKOV 07/10/2010 21/02/2011 4573/04 SAGAYEV AND OTHERS 26/02/2009 14/09/2009 38693/04 SAMBIYEV AND POKAYEVA 22/01/2009 05/06/2009 1839/04 SANGARIYEVA AND OTHERS 29/05/2008 01/12/2008 21486/06 SATABAYEVA 29/10/2009 01/03/2010 41498/04 SAYDALIYEVA ...Modified: 12/08/2016
Path: Implementation of ECtHR judgments from the North Caucasus / Khashiyev and Akayeva group
Russian Government reports application of amnesty law to perpetrator arrested in connection with torture in the Oktyabrskiy ROVD in 2000
Alaudin Sadykov was held and tortured in the Temporary Office of the Interior (ROVD) of the Oktyabrskiy District for approximately three months in the year 2000. During his detention, the ROVD officers forced him to chew and swallow his own hair, severely burned ...Modified: 15/05/2012
Path: News
Committee of Ministers adopts first Interim Resolution on the “Chechen cases”
... Russian authorities “to take all necessary measures to ensure that the statutes of limitation do not negatively impact on the full implementation of the court’s judgments.” The Resolution refers to six specific cases for follow-up: Isayeva, Abuyeva, Sadykov, Musayev and others v Russia, Bazorkina, and Khadisov and Tsechoyev. In relation to the Sadykov case, the Committee notes that one of the perpetrators in this case was arrested and is currently in custody in Grozny. To read more about the problem ...Modified: 02/12/2011
Path: News
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